Monday, December 1, 2008

I've Got Too Much Time on My Hands....

OK, since I don't have the baby I thought I would have by now, I find I am paying attention to things that one might not notice on an ordinary day. Not that I go around completely oblivious to things...but when got out side today...I had a flashback. Walking to get into my car, I felt like Tipi Hendren trying to make it into the phone booth in the classic "The Birds". What I originally thought were Blackbirds, turned out to be (upon further Internet investigation) were "Common Crows".

The birds sit quietly on everything. Just watching and waiting. Alfred really did his homework on the avian pests.
They are a bit too creepy for me. And I really wish they would stop shitting on my car.

My love of the cinema and films came from my mother who loved to watch all kinds of movies, and introduced me and my sister to Creature Feature, Thriller - (the show not the Michael Jackson song) and Alfred Hitchcock. We watched the classics and some not so classic.

She also used to make us watch Jerry Lewis, but that' s a whole other blog.