Monday, December 15, 2008

Do you Smell?

Hmmm, How do I put this....

"How do you know if you smell?" And I mean "you" because hey I know I don't smell!"
I bathe and use this nifty invention that you spray or rub under the armpits, to give you a refeshed sort of odor. On top of why I know I dont smell? I use pretty perfume. I try and stay loyal, ( but this could be an entry all on it's own) to one or two, but I am a fragrance whore . I like it when someone tells me I smell yummy, so I do my best to smell yummy at all times.

Back to broaching the smelly topic with others:

"Excuse me, but you stink"...sounds a little harsh, but really how else can you tell someone to take a shower?

How do you not know you smell? If you are a particularly sweaty person, one would guess a shower or two a day would be sufficient. But some are not showering , AT ALL.

How do I know? I can smell them before they even get into the front door of my store. They look sweaty to begin with and it is the beginning of the day! If you look like you just ran a marathon, before your day gets started? Ummm, you have a problem.

Look, I'd settle if they just scrubbed down once a day. I'm not asking for miracles. Just come into work, and look clean. That is it. It is not difficult.

Also for those still sporting mustaches? There is a fine line between fashionable facial hair, and porno stashes. Know the difference. And maybe it isn't even a line...lemme think a minute....
Nope ...I really don't personally know anyone with good facial hair.

However slight it may be, once you have crossed that facial hair faux paux line into the Porno Kingdom, there is no coming back unless you make a clean break of it.

Goatees? I like them, but only on certain people. Leonardo DiCaprio can carry it off. Most others? Not so much.

In the end, facial overrated. Do yourself a favor and get rid of it. Why???

Most of your friends, are singing that "bow-chick-a-bow-wow" porno music behind your back...