Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Things People Say...

You long as I am still living and breathing I will never understand some people. I have tried, honestly I have..but some people are freakin' idiots.

I have heard countless wonderful and supportive words from many...and they have helped to ease our burden..and uncertainty as we plow through these longs days of waiting.

But...on the other had, I have also heard these comments, all true and in no particular order:

1. Why would you want kids at your age?

2. You can have mine, I cant stand them and wish I never had them (true!)

3. You're wasting your time

4. When this doesn't work out, you'll be thankful

5. Why would you spend all that money on that?

So that is just some of what I have heard...
I don't understand why people continually try and besiege me with their wisdom...

If this happens: I know this will be life changing. I know this will be difficult. But I am ready. For all of you out there, who have had no trouble whatsoever getting pregnant and having children, hell maybe they were even an "accident" don't assume to know what I am going through. Stop complaining about your life and deal with it. Kids are a blessing. Maybe you forgot.