Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lucky Me

I have to say I have had the great opportunity to have had contact with some wonderful people through this blog. The comments that most have left are wonderfully uplifting, supportive and generous.

Chase is thriving, and he is a wonder. I am lucky. I do say lucky, given that all we had been through before had been so bad, that I had all but given up.
I am enjoying my time with him, getting to know him, and marking his milestones. I'm waiting for his first laugh. I love to laugh so that will be a great day. I will be his chief entertainer for a while so I am brushing up on my funny.

He is big and gaining weight and loves to eat. I wish he was waiting a little longer between feedings thus allowing me to get a little more rest, but his Dad is stepping in when I need it, and he has been great.

He has lost a little of the peach fuzz that adorned his head, and I eagerly await it's replacement. Will it be light or dark? Curly or straight? Will his eyes stay the color they are or darken more? Each day I scan him for changes, and noted today he looks a little like Buddha. Chubby and smiling.

Every day he is here is better than the day before, and it is true that you don't realize the capacity in which your life is changed, simply by the introduction of another human into it, until your world is turned upside down in one day.


Natalia Ritchie said...

So amazing Lisa!! Sounds like you are in it!!