Thursday, June 28, 2007

On Track

Well, I'm going to interrupt my original egg and surrogacy in hell story to update you on some new developments.

Our egg donor was seen today by the clinic and all is well. She will be starting her pills first, then Lupron. The surrogate, a wonderful woman who lives North of us, has been hanging out since the last (actually first and failed) attempt in March.
I so appreciate her hanging in there.

After the egg donor starts her meds, then it will be our surrogates turn, I can practically see the money flying out the window already.

What the heck is insurance for if it doesnt cover some of these alternatives! Come on people...I do want a baby, but not at the expense of being broke.

Soooo, right now are target still remains early August for a retrieval and transfer.

Maybe, just maybe, if the planets align and everyones sign is where it should be and whatever karma induced theory I can pontificate, maybe we will get lucky.

After all the people thinking good thoughts and praying last time, it certainly wouldn't be for lack of any of those things...

Could it really just be a matter of luck?